Every person is valued as a unique individual, with individual strengths and preferences. Our services include:
Our Enhanced Family Care residential services provide people with a safe, supportive, and comfortable place to call home, closely connected to community, family, and friends. We work together with a person to connect them with someone who would like to share their life and their home, opening opportunities for the individual to live and thrive within a family and community-based setting.
Our Out Reach residential services provide support for people within their own apartment or their family’s home. Guidance and instruction in skill acquisition can give the person the skills and support they need to live successfully and happily in their own home setting, within a community they may call their own.
Community Participation
Community Participation services provide structured, community-based services which are individualized, with a focus on the interests, needs, and wishes of each individual. Enhancing social and daily living skills, along with attending to issues of health and safety issues, are areas of concentration. We work together with the individual to connect them to local social, recreational, educational, employment and volunteer opportunities.
Supported Employment
Supported Employment services concentrate on assisting people to find and retain employment. We work together with the individual to evaluate skill levels, interests, prior experiences, physical and social attributes, and other work-related competencies. We work together with local employers to identify job placements, providing job training and coaching as necessary.